"We find that the aspirations of ACEN RES are aligned with ours and we want to continue to partner with them. It took a village, today’s 4,700 people of Uratex and those who helped us along the way to be enablers of sleep in the country. But it will take all of us to preserve this country and our planet for generations to come."
"The switch to renewable energy through ACEN RES is a major milestone for us, not only in reducing the carbon footprint of our expanding operations, but also in supporting the sustainable development and low-carbon future of the country. We are proud to enable the development of new renewable energy plants and encourage the growth of the green energy sector."
"For manufacturing companies like Jotun Philippines, Inc., a stable electricity supply that is cost-efficient is essential to maintaining business operations. Through its partnership with ACEN RES, the company is provided with a reliable supply of renewable energy to keep powering its operations."
"With climate change, businesses are even more challenged with power prices becoming volatile and sometimes unreliable. Glacier Megafridge found a solution for these challenges by shifting to renewable energy, which enabled the company to save on its electricity bill while aligning with its value to help stem the impact of climate change and reduce its carbon footprint."